Images of Miraculous Healing in the Early Modern Netherlands

Images of Miraculous Healing in the Early Modern Netherlands

Kaminska, Barbara A.







15 a 20 dias


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List of Illustrations

1 Introduction: Understanding Miracles, Compassion, and Disability

?1.1?Chapter Overview and Organization of the Material

?1.2?Early Modern Disability and Terms Used in This Book

?1.3?Biblical Healing Miracles and the Understanding of Charity before the Renaissance

2 Christus Medicus and Beyond: The Thaumaturgic Power of Christ and Medical Metaphors in the Premodern Netherlands

?2.1?Christus Medicus and Its Origins: An Overview of the Topos

?2.2?Christ the Physician and Bodily Health in Hendrick Goltzius's Miracula Christi

?2.3?Regulating the Medical Profession in the Netherlands: Goltzius, Guilds, and the Question of Status

?2.4?Physician as Christ or Charlatan? Quacksalvers in Pamphlets, Theatrical Plays, and Visual Arts

?2.5?Christ the Physician - Healer of the Netherlands

3 "I was sick and you visited me": Medical Assistance and the Seven Works of Mercy

?3.1?Visiting the Sick as a Spiritual and Corporal Work of Mercy

?3.2?Visiting the Sick and the Iconography of the Seven Works of Mercy in the Seventeenth Century

?3.3?Charity in Late-Sixteenth- and Seventeenth-Century Sermons

?3.4?Display of Images of the Seven Works of Mercy and Decoration of Netherlandish Gasthuizen

4 Healing the Blind: Images of Visual Impairment in the Early Modern Low Countries

?4.1?Blindness in the Early Modern Netherlands

?4.2?"Thy faith hath made thee whole": Touch and Word in Healing Miracles

?4.3?"That the works of God should be made manifest in him": Agency in the Images of Healing the Blind

?4.4?Landscape, Guides, and Dogs: Iconographic Staffage of Healing Miracles

5 Healing the Lame: Biblical Miracles and Mobility Impairment in the Early Modern Netherlands

?5.1?Bethesda, Healing Waters, and the Cessation of Miracles in Early Modern Europe

?5.2?Droochsloot's Sources and Anti-Beggar Sentiments in the Netherlands

?5.3?"Sir, I have no man": Healing of the Paralytic as a Model of Mercy

?5.4?Authority and Mercy in the Healings in the Acts of the Apostles

6 Healing the Multitudes: Miraculous Healing beyond Visual and Motor Impairments

?6.1?The Healing of the Deaf: Hearing as an Instrument of Faith

?6.2?Invisible Miracles and Healing beyond the Jewish Community

?6.3?Healing the Lepers and Leprosy in the Premodern Netherlands

Epilogue, or Who Is Worthy of Healing and Why It Matters


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