Illustrated Religious Texts in the North of Europe, 1500-1800

Illustrated Religious Texts in the North of Europe, 1500-1800

Stronks, Els; Morton, Adam; Dietz, Feike; Roggen, Lien

Taylor & Francis Ltd





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Contents: Introduction: the function and nature of international religious contacts in Northern Europe, Els Stronks, Adam Morton and Feike Dietz. Part I Crosscurrents in Ideologies and Motives: Idols in the frontispiece? Illustrating religious books in the age of iconoclasm, Alexandra Walsham; Catechisms: teaching the eye to read the world, Lee Palmer Wandel; Religious plurality in Karel van Mander's The Nativity Broadcast by Prophets of the Incarnation of 1588, Walter S. Melion; The diaspora of a Jesuit press: mimetic imitation on the world stage, Mia M. Mochizuki; A product of confession of corruption? The Common Weales Canker Wormes (ca.1625) and the progress of sin in early modern England, Adam Morton. Part II Forms of Exchange and Mobility: Godly visions and idolatrous sights: images of divine revelation in early English Bibles, David J. Davis; Recycling and reforming origins: the double creation in Claes Jansz. Visscher's Theatrum Biblicum (1643), Amanda K. Herrin; An author's wishes versus a publisher's possibilities: the illustration of Thomas Sailly's prayer books printed by the Plantin Press in Antwerp c.1600, Dirk Imhof; No home grown products: illustrated biblical poems in the Dutch republic, Els Stronks; Linking the Dutch market to its German counterpart: the case of Johannes Boekholt and a newly discovered 1661 edition of Levendige herts-theologie, Feike Dietz; Singing together and seeing differently: confessional boundaries in the illustrated hymnal, Erin Lambert. Index nominum.
Jan Moretus;dutch;Illustrated Religious Texts;republic;Romeyn De Hooghe;flemish;Lucas Cranach;etchings;Christian Classics Ethereal Library;jan;Petrus Canisius;moretus;Claes Jansz;maarten;Pia Desideria;vos;Archivum Romanum Societatis Iesu;bartas;Religious Emblem Books;pia;English Illustrated Books;Jesuit Mission Press;Flemish Etchings;Jan Sadeler;Early Modern;Du Bartas;Bible Illustrations;Dutch Republic;Canker Wormes;Early Modern England;Biblia Sacra;Plantin Press;Double Creation;Calvin's Catechisms;Salvator Mundi