Iconizing of Literature, Art, Humanities, and Science.

Iconizing of Literature, Art, Humanities, and Science.

Intermediality and Value in Popular Culture

Wojcik, Paula; Hoefer, Hannes; Picard, Sophie

Springer International Publishing AG





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EDITORS.- Introduction:- Iconizing of Literature, Art, Humanities, and Science. Intermediality and Value in Popular Culture.- I Literature.- DANIEL SYROVY (UNIVERSITY OF VIENNA) On Not Knowing Homer: A Poet as Icon.- MARTINA STEMBERGER (UNIVERSITY OF VIENNA) Lolita, Oblomov & Co.: Figurations of Literary Iconicity Between Transfictionality, Transmediality, and Transculturality.- ALEXANDER LOECK (FRIEDRICH-SCHILLER-UNIVERSITY JENA) Iconizing Literature as a Literary Theme.- IRENE HUSSER (UNIVERSITY OF MUENSTER) Kafka goes TV. Franz Kafka and the Kafkaesque in Popular Television Series.- ACHIM HOELTER (UNIVERSITY OF VIENNA) "Do you know these poets?" Literary History in the Quartet Games of the 19th and 20th Centuries.- JEROME COTTIN (UNIVERSITY STRASBOURG) Biblical Symbolism in Advertisement: History, Context, and Related Controversies in Switzerland, Germany and France.- SOPHIE PICARD (AIX-MARSEILLE-UNIVERSITY To Meme or not to Meme. Literary Quotes and Memes in Digital Culture.- PAULA WOJCIK (UNIVERSITY OF VIENNA) Forms and Functions of Iconizing Literature. Authors, Works, Discourses.- II Art (fine arts, music, film, performative arts) ELISABETH FRITZ (FRIEDRICH-SCHILLER-UNIVERSITY JENA) Figures de modes. Watteau's fetes galantes in Popular and Mass Culture in the 18th and 19th centuries.- UDO BOMNUETER (DEKRA HOCHSCHULE FUER MEDIEN) "That Giggling, Dirty-Minded Creature" - The Re-Creation of an Iconic Figure in Forman's Film Adaptation of Amadeus (1984/2002).- STEPHANIE GROssMANN (UNIVERSITY OF PASSAU) "Advertising is the art of aiming at the head and hitting the wallet." (Vance Packard)How Blindly Do Commercials Shoot Cupid's Arrows?.- BIRGER PETERSEN (JOHANNES GUTENBERG UNIVERSITY MAINZ) Counterpoint as Icon. Music and Intertextuality in the Late 19th Century.- ANNA-SOPHIE JUERGENS (NATIONAL UNIVERSITY CANBERRA) Intermedia Genealogy and Interrelation of Icons: Clowns, Robots and the Joker.- THOMAS SCHOLZ (UNIVERSITY OF ST. LOUIS) The Un-Reality of Quoted Icons: Reduced Representativity in Ludic World-Building.- III Science and Humanities NIKOLAI MUENCH (JOHANNES GUTENBERG UNIVERSITY MAINZ), PAULA WOJCIK (UNIVERSITY OF VIENNA).- Science in Popular Culture. Dolly the Sheep is gone but not forgotten.- NADJA GERNALZICK (UNIVERSITY OF VIENNA/ JOHANNES GUTENBERG UNIVERSITY MAINZ) Deconstruction under Self-Deconstruction? On the De-Iconization of a Critical Term.- KATHARINA TYRAN (UNIVERSITY OF VIENNA) Script as a Cultural Icon: The Example of Glagolitic as a Representation of Croatia's National Identity.- HANNES HOEFER (FRIEDRICH-SCHILLER-UNIVERSITY JENA) Production of Icons: Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht's Production of Presence and Hermeneutics.- STEFAN ALKER-WINDBICHLER (UNIVERSITY OF VIENNA) A Kind of Paradise. The Library as a Cultural Icon.- INDICE (Exception A: The published book will contain an index, but it is not ready to be submitted with the proposal).
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intermedia;cultural icons;iconicity;transmedia;transculturality;adaptation;cultural icon;cultural transfer;pop culture