Horace across the Media

Horace across the Media

Textual, Visual and Musical Receptions of Horace from the 15th to the 18th Century

Laureys, Marc; Enenkel, Karl A.E.







15 a 20 dias


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List of Illustrations

Notes on the Editors

Notes on the Contributors

1 Some Introductory Thoughts on the Reception of Horace in the Early Modern Age

?Marc Laureys

Part 1: The Reception of the Ars Poetica as a Model for the Theory of Painting, Drama, Diplomacy, Cookery and Other Arts

2 Rethinking Horace in Dutch Classicist Art Theory and in the Theory of Poetry and Drama: Gerard de Lairesse and Andries Pels

?Tijana Zakula

3 From Poetry to Cookery, Architecture, and Stock-Jobbing: Imitation and Parodia of Horace's Ars Poetica in 18th-Century England

?Lukas Reddemann

Part 2: The Reception of Horace in the Visual Arts

4 The Reception of Horace in the Visual Arts, 15th Century until ca. 1840: A First Exploration

?Karl A.E. Enenkel

5 Vaenius's Pluri-Medial Horace: Images for Contemplation, Primer of Philosophy, Iconological Templates for Artists, Latin Commonplace Book, and Vernacular Emblem Book

?Karl A.E. Enenkel and Paul J. Smith

Part 3: Horace and Music

6 Before Melopoiae: Conrad Celtis, Laurentius Corvinus, Arnold Woestefeld and the Use of Music in the Teaching and Performance of Horace's Metres around 1500

?Grantley McDonald

7 Horace among Early Modern Teachers and Music Theorists: Poetics and Songs

?Inga Mai Groote

8 Singing Horace in Sixteenth-Century France: A Reappraisal of the Sources and Their Interpretation

?Philippe Canguilhem

Part 4: Other Materializations of Horace: School Book Production and Funeral Inscriptions

9 Librum pulcherrimum et utilissimum edidit: Editions of Horace by Johannes Honorius Cubitensis (c.1465-1504)

?Marcela Slavikova

10 Horace and Sepulchral Sapphics - Some English Examples

?Luke B.T. Houghton

Part 5: The Reception of the Odes in Early Modern Lyrical Poetry

11 The Reception of the "Horatian Hymn" in Quattrocento Neo-Latin Poetry: Aurelius Laurentius Albrisius and Giovanni Pontano

?Carolin A. Giere

12 Horace across Seventeenth-Century Italian Literature: Carlo de' Dottori and his Odes

?Giacomo Comiati

13 "As closely as possible after the model of Horace"? Degrees of Horatianism in James Alban Gibbes' Lyric Poetry

?Marc Laureys

14 On the Reception of Horace's Carmen Saeculare in the Early Modern Period

?Veronika Brandis and Robert Seidel

Part 6: Horatian Topics and Commonplaces

15 John Cruso of Norwich and the Reception of Horatius Sententiosus in Early Modern Provincial England

?Christopher Joby

16 De laudibus vitae rusticae: Horace's Second Epode and the Tradition of Georgic Poetry

?Bernd Roling

Index Nominum
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