Historical Plant Geography

Historical Plant Geography

An Introduction

Stott, Philip

Taylor & Francis Ltd






15 a 20 dias


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Preface Acknowledgements List of Tables 1. Plants and Area Part I: Establishing Patterns of Distribution 2. Plant Collecting and Recording: The Taxonomic Basis of Plant Geography 3. Plant Maps 4. Patterns of Distribution Part II: Interpreting Patterns of Distribution 5. Origins, Boundaries and Disruptions 6. Evidence for Patterns of Distribution from the Past 7. Interpreting Disjunct Distribution Patterns 8. Interpreting Endemic Distribution Patterns 9. Genetics, Plant Geography and the Plant Kingdom Glossary Bibliography Index of Plant Names Subject Index
Bird's Nest Orchid;Historical Geography;Salt Water;Plant Geography;Sea Water;Historical Plant Geography;Najas Flexilis;Plants;Mentha Aquatica;Distributuion;Higher Ranking Taxa;Plant Distribution;Narrow Endemic Ranges;Plant Collecting;Distinct Pollen Types;Taxonomic;Plant Taxonomy;Non-hierarchic Cluster Methods;Victoria Amazonica;Centaurea Sect;Herbarium Speciman;Sea Floor Spreading;Plant Ecology;Distributions of Taxa;Floristic Elements;Floristic Affinities;Equal Area Projection;Natural Distribution;Cassiope Tetragona;Vegetation;Giant Water Lily;Earths Moving Surface;Climatic Change;Disjunct Distribution;Climate Change;Ceratophyllum Demersum;Palaeobotanical Evidence;Genetic Resource Conservation;Disjunct Distribution Patterns;Plant Maps;Endemism;Herbarium Specimen;Genetics;Plant Genetics;Plant Kingdom;Population;Polypolidy;Genetic Resource Convservation;Seed Distribution;geographical territory;natural plant groups;sea-floor spreading;global plate tectonics