Health Systems in Transition

Health Systems in Transition

USA, Second Edition

Rice, Thomas; Unruh, Lynn Y.; Rosenau, Pauline; Barnes, Andrew J.

University of Toronto Press






15 a 20 dias


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List of abbreviations
List of tables, figures and boxes
Executive summary

1 Introduction
1.1 Geography and sociodemography
1.2 Economic context
1.3 Political context
1.4 Health status

2 Organization and governance
2.1 Historical background
2.2 Organization of the healthcare system
2.3 Decentralization and centralization
2.4 Planning
2.5 Intersectorality
2.6 Patient empowerment
2.7 Regulation

3 Financing
3.1 Health expenditure
3.2 Sources of revenue, financing and financial flows
3.3 Medicare
3.4 Medicaid
3.5 Private health insurance
3.6 Out-of-pocket payments
3.7 Payment mechanisms

4 Physical and human resources
4.1 Physical resources
4.2 Human resources

5 Provision of services
5.1 Patient pathways
5.2 Public health
5.3 Outpatient services: primary care
5.4 Outpatient services: specialty care
5.5 Other outpatient services: ambulatory surgical, emergency and urgent care
5.6 Acute inpatient care
5.7 Dental care
5.8 Behavioural healthcare
5.9 Pharmaceutical care
5.10 Post-acute care: rehabilitation, intermittent home care and subacute care
5.11 Long-term care
5.12 Palliative care
5.13 Services from informal care-givers
5.14 Racial and ethnic minorities, low-income individuals, the uninsured and other vulnerable populations

6 Principal health reforms
6.1 History of US health reforms
6.2 The Affordable Care Act
6.3 The future of the ACA

7 Assessment of the health system
7.1 Health system governance
7.2 Accessibility
7.3 Financial protection
7.4 Healthcare quality
7.5 Health outcomes
7.6 Health system efficiency

8 Conclusions
9 Appendices
9.1 References
9.2 Useful websites
9.3 HiT methodology and production process
9.4 About the authors
Este título pertence ao(s) assunto(s) indicados(s). Para ver outros títulos clique no assunto desejado.
U.S. health system; health policy; comparative health systems; health care organization; health care financing; health care delivery; health care reform; medicare