Health Security Intelligence

Health Security Intelligence

Managing Emerging Threats and Risks in a Post-Covid World

Walsh, Patrick F.

Taylor & Francis Ltd





15 a 20 dias

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List of Figures

List of Contributors


Part I: Health Security Intelligence and COVID-19

Chapter 1 Introduction Patrick F Walsh

Chapter 2 Framing National Security and Health Security Intelligence Erik Dahl

Part II: Challenges in Managing Health Security Threats, Risks and Hazards

Chapter 3 Political Engagement Patrick F Walsh and Ausma Bernot

Chapter 4 Disinformation: The COVID-19 Pandemic and Beyond Jennifer Hunt

Part III: Improving Health Security Threat and Risk Mitigation

Chapter 5 Building Better Health Security Intelligence Strategies Post-COVID-19 Gemma Bowsher

Chapter 6 Improving Health Security Intelligence Warning Systems David Skillicorn

Chapter 7 Biosecurity, National Security Intelligence and Ethics Seumas Miller

Chapter 8 Improving the Health Security Intelligence Workforce and Research Agenda Kathleen M. Vogel

Chapter 9 Managing Health Security Threats at the Multilateral Level: The Challenge of Investigating Ambiguous Outbreaks Filippa Lentzos

Chapter 10 Conclusion Patrick F. Walsh

five eyes;national security intelligence agencies;COVID-19;pandemic