Hannah More in Context

Hannah More in Context

Edney, Sue; Andrews, Kerri

Taylor & Francis Ltd






15 a 20 dias


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Introduction: Hannah More in Context

Kerri Andrews and Sue Edney

Tongues in Trees: Hannah More and the Nature Inscription
Robin Jarvis

Feeling Good: Sentimental Virtue in Hannah More's The Search After Happiness (1773) and "Sensibility" (1782)
Rose Hilton

Defending "Reason's rein": Rationalism as Persuasive Strategy in Hannah More's Slavery: A Poem (1788)
Adam Bridgen

Writing Women at Work
Maeve Adams

"Hunger is not a postponable want": Hannah More's charity reconsidered
Kerri Andrews

Hannah More's Percy, A Tragedy, in the Spanish and French Theatrical Contexts
Begona Lasa Alvarez

The Bluestocking and the Preacher: the Bifurcated Reception of Hannah More in Scandinavia
Marie Nedregotten Sorbo

Hannah More's Sympathetic Strategies: Coelebs in Search of a Wife and the Evangelical Novel
Nicky Lloyd

Books and Readers in Hannah More's Coelebs in Search of a Wife
Joanna Maciulewicz

Hannah More Rediscoveries: Letters, Literary Manuscripts, and Inscribed Books
Nicholas D. Smith

Bringing More to the Fore: Championing the life and work of Hannah More in Schools and Community Education
Joanne Edwards

Hannah More's Energetic Sociality: Enthusiasms and Consequences

Patricia A. Demers

An Extended Sermon on Hannah More

Rev Paula Hollingsworth
Este título pertence ao(s) assunto(s) indicados(s). Para ver outros títulos clique no assunto desejado.
Bristol Baptist College;Young Men;Lady Olivia Sparrow;Perfect Girl;UK National Curriculum;National Library;Barley Wood;Independent Woman;Cheap Repository Tracts;Freeing Women;De Belloy;Pro-slavery Lobby;Betty Brown;Frances Boscawen;Smith's Review;Nature Inscription;Roberts's Memoirs;Tithe Barn;Women's Economic Agency;Thomson's Liberty