Gender, Embodiment and Fluidity in Organization and Management

Gender, Embodiment and Fluidity in Organization and Management

Pullen, Alison; McMurray, Robert

Taylor & Francis Ltd






15 a 20 dias


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1 Introduction: Gender, embodiment and fluidity in organization and management

Robert McMurray & Alison Pullen

2 Joan Acker: Champion of feminist organization theory

Yvonne Benschop

3 When the shoe is on the Other foot: Simone de Beauvoir and organization theory

Philip Hancock & Melissa Tyler

4 Julia Kristeva: Speaking of the body to understand the language of organizations

Marianna Fotaki

5 Marguerite Yourcenar: Anticipating the (queer) body (in organization studies)

Chris Steyaert

6 Witnessing Eve: Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick

Saara L. Taalas

7 J. Jack Halberstam

Nick Rumens
Stefani Germanotta;Marguerite Yourcenar;female thinkers;Gaga Feminism;female scholars;Queer Negativity;feminism;Halberstam's Work;management;Sedgwick's Work;organization;De Beauvoir's Life;organization studies;De Beauvoir's Critique;critical management studies;LGBT Subject;gender studies;Violating;gender in management;Queer Failure;women in management;Inequality Regimes;femininity;Comparable Worth;queer theory;Explicit Performatives;the body;Reparative Readings;inequality;Sedgwick's Writing;embodiment;Cm;oppression;Queer Performativity;De Beauvoir;Acker's Work;Call Attention;Gendered Substructure;Job Evaluation Systems;Semiotic Chora;Gendered Organizations