Gen Z

Gen Z

Between Climate Crisis and Coronavirus Pandemic

Albrecht, Erik; Hurrelmann, Klaus

Taylor & Francis Ltd






15 a 20 dias


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Chapter 1. The Climate Crisis is Just the Beginning: Who are the young protesters and what do they want?

Chapter 2. Greta's Generation: The face of Gen Z?

Chapter 3. Solidarity versus Intergenerational Conflict: How Gen Z are engaging society

Chapter 4. Climate Protest versus Populism: Understanding Gen Z's political orientation

Chapter 5. No Interest in Party Politics: Why do Gen Z feel alienated?

Chapter 6. The Digital Virtuosos: The power of media for communication and organisation

Chapter 7. Interactive Education: Demand for more digitalisation at school

Chapter 8. What Schools Lack: Developing knowledge and skills for life

Chapter 9. Who Falls Through the Cracks? The Experiences of disadvantaged youth

Chapter 10. Jobs in Transition: Navigating a shifting labour market

Chapter 11. The Private Lives of Generation Greta: Gender, sexuality and relationships

Chapter 12. Stuck Between the Climate Crisis and the Coronavirus Pandemic: Politicised for life


Young Men;Climate Crisis;Federal Republic Of Germany;Young people;Gen Z;Post-war;Coronavirus pandemic;Clips;FFF;West Germany;UN;Violate;EU Parliament;Conservative CDU;Follow;Face To Face;Wo;Hold;Grade Point Average;GPA;Political Parties;Intergenerational Conflict;Selective Mutism;Making Consumer Decisions;Important Voter Group;Ard;Green Classroom