From Loneliness to Solitude in Person-centred Health Care

From Loneliness to Solitude in Person-centred Health Care

Buetow, Stephen

Taylor & Francis Ltd





15 a 20 dias

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1. Introduction, Part I: Debunking myths about loneliness, 2. Loneliness and isolation, 3. Variation in experience of loneliness, 4. Loneliness and social pain, Part II: Moving forward, 5. Loneliness and person-centred health care, 6. Self-love, 7. Solitude, 8. Privacy, 9. Closing words
Person Centred Health Care;Confer;Hold;Better Life;Face To Face;Chronic;Follow;Gateway;Vice Versa;Disengage;Digital Users;Persona;Lonely Persons;Disconnected;Social Deficit;Wandering;Nelson Mandela;Sick;Patient Centred Health Care;Touch Deprivation;Younger Men;Physical Isolation;Negative Relationship;Loneliness Research;Physical Contact