Freedom, Culture, and the Right to Exclude

Freedom, Culture, and the Right to Exclude

On the Permissibility and Necessity of Immigration Restrictions

Steinhoff, Uwe

Taylor & Francis Ltd






15 a 20 dias


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1. Introduction

2. Exclusion and Justification: On Imagined Burdens and Irrelevant Questions

3. "Cantilever Arguments," International Law, and the Protection of Culture: Turning the Tables on Defenders of Open Borders

4. Freedom of Association, Democracy, and the Right to Exclude

5. Enforcement and Resistance at the Border

6. Rehabilitating Allegedly Impermissible or Overblown Reasons for Exclusion: Race, the Cultural Protection of a Free Society, and Crime
Uwe Steinhoff;ethics of immigration;freedom;culture;right to exclude;immigration restrictions;exclusion;justification;open borders;freedom of association;freedom of movement;membership rights;territorial rights;border enforcement;unauthorized migration;free society;liberal values;mere presence;rights theory;liberal democracy;Violate;Unauthorized Migrant;Border Coercion;Internal Free Movement;Young Men;Domestic Violence Murders;McMahan's Account;Moral Permissibility;NSU;Migration Regime;Democratic Legitimacy;Security Perimeter;Associational Interests;Mens Rea;Dowry Murders;Golf Club;Include Claim Rights;Lethal Self-defense;Coercive Exercise;Lethal Defense;Canadian Criminal Code;Morally Irrelevant;Democratic Justification