Fixing Legal Injustice in America

Fixing Legal Injustice in America

The Case for a Defender General of the United States

Lyon, Andrea D.; Roseberry, Cynthia W.

Rowman & Littlefield






15 a 20 dias


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Chapter 1: You Have a Right to An Attorney-Kind of

Chapter 2: The System Isn't Broken; It Was Built This Way

Chapter 3: [Un]equal Justice: Racism's Thumb on the Scales

Chapter 4: The Inequality Tax: The Economic Case for Criminal Justice Reform

Chapter 5: The War on Us: Laws that Caused Mass Incarceration

Chapter 6: What a Defender General's Office Can Mean
Este título pertence ao(s) assunto(s) indicados(s). Para ver outros títulos clique no assunto desejado.
1994 Crime Bill;administration of justice;Black lives matter;court system;criminal justice funding;criminal justice policy;criminal justice reform;criminal justice system;Failed drug war;false confessions;Human rights;legal representation;mass incarceration;police misconduct;prosecutorial misconduct;Public defender;Race and criminal justice;RICO;Right to a lawyer;sixth amendment;Social justice;standards for representation;war on drugs;wrongful convictions