Female-Voice Song and Women's Musical Agency in the Middle Ages

Female-Voice Song and Women's Musical Agency in the Middle Ages

Colton, Lisa; Grau, Anna Kathryn







15 a 20 dias


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List of Figures, Tables and Music Examples

Notes on Contributors

Introduction: Female Authorship, Female Voice, and Female-Voice Song

?Anna Kathryn Grau and Lisa Colton

PART 1: Ritual Discourse

1 The Feminine Voice in the Early Islamicate Courts (661-1000)

?Lisa Nielson

2 Music, Liturgy, and the Discursive Construction of Gender in a Thirteenth-Century Double Monastery

?Lauren Purcell-Joiner

3 A Female-Voice Ceremonial from Medieval Castile

?David Catalunya

4 Religious Reform and Liturgical Change in the Fifteenth Century: Chant as Women's Protest Music

?Claire Taylor Jones

PART 2: Materiality

5 Beyond this Mist: Uncovering Material Multiplicities in Amis, amis

?Rachel May Golden

6 Transmission of Female-Voice Motets in Late Thirteenth-Century Manuscripts

?Anna Kathryn Grau

7 Chants for the Holy Trinity of Barking Abbey: Ethelburg, Hildelith, and Wulfhild

?Anne Bagnall Yardley

PART 3: Subjectivity and Emotion

8 Handmade Women: The Manufacture of Femininity in the Chansons de femme

?Helen Dell

9 The Voice of Emotion: Constructing an Identity for the Comtessa de Dia in Performance

?Leah Stuttard

10 "Going all the Way with Marot": Empowerment in the Pastourelle Motet L'autrier m'esbatoie/Demenant grant joie/MANERE

?Lisa Colton

11 Sexuality, Pedagogy, and Women's Emotions in Middle English Songs

?Carissa M. Harris

12 "Who cannot wepe come lerne at me": Voicing Refrains in Late Medieval Passion Lyric

?Melissa Tu

PART 4: Representation

13 A Song from the Mound: The Female Voice as a Repository for Genealogical Knowledge in Hyndluljo?

?Annemari Ferreira

14 Eye, Mouth, and Heart: The Female-Voiced Contrafacta of Can vei la lauzeta mover

?Meghan Quinlan

15 A Musical Letter from Eleanor of Provence to Margaret of Scotland: Patronage as Authorship in the Sequence Ex te lux oritur

?Gillian L. Gower

16 Female Voice in the Trecento Song

?Angelica Vomera

17 Saints and Sinners: The Representation of Women in Late-Medieval English Carols

?Louise McInnes

authorship; carols; gender; lyric; medieval culture; medieval history; medieval poetry; middle ages; motets; music; nuns; patronage; sexuality; song; women; women's music