Exploring Mishnah's World(s)

Exploring Mishnah's World(s)

Social Scientific Approaches

Lightstone, Jack N.; Goldscheider, Calvin; Fishbane, Simcha

Springer Nature Switzerland AG






15 a 20 dias


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Chapter 1: Introduction: Challenges and Opportunities in the Social Scientific Study of the Evidence of the Mishnah.- Chapter 2: Dignity or Debasement: The Destitute in the World of Mishnah.- Chapter 3:"The Land of Israel is Holier than all Lands:" Diaspora in Mishnah's Cosmos - The Message.- Chapter 4: Marginal Person and/or Marginal Situation: The Convert in Mishnah.- Chapter 5: Religious Authority in the Mishnah: Social Science Perspectives on the Emerging Role of Scholars.- Chapter 6: Family Structure, Kinship, and Life Course Transitions: Social Science Explorations of the Mishnah.- Chapter 7: Study as a Socially Formative Activity: The Case of Mishnah Study in the Early Rabbinic Group.- Chapter 8: When Tosefta was Read in Service of Mishnah-Study: What Pervasive Literary-Rhetorical Traits of Toseftan Materials Divulge about the Evolution of Early Rabbinic Group Identity on the Heels of Mishnah's Promulgation.- Chapter 9: Studying Mishnah "Talmudic-ly": What the basic literary-rhetorical features of the Talmuds' legal compositions and composite "essays" tell us about Mishnah study as an identity-informing activity within rabbinic groups at the end of Late Antiquity.
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talmud;Mipnei Darkei Shalom;Nazir;tosefta;mishnah