Eurasian Slavery, Ransom and Abolition in World History, 1200-1860

Eurasian Slavery, Ransom and Abolition in World History, 1200-1860

Witzenrath, Christoph

Taylor & Francis Ltd





15 a 20 dias

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Contents: Introduction, Christoph Witzenrath. Part I Overviews: Slavery and bondage in Central Asia and Russia: 14th-19th centuries, Alessandro Stanziani; Towards the integration of early modern Russia into world history, Donald Ostrowski. Part II Slavery in the Middle Ages: Slavery in the appanage era: Rus' and the Mongols, Lawrence N. Langer; '... and they took countless captives': Finnic captives and East European slave trade during the Middle Ages, Jukka Korpela; Ransom for the Grand Prince: a medieval military encounter as a prehistory of the Muscovite empire, Bulat R. Rakhimzyanov. Part III Demographies, Locales and Groups of Slaves: The Black Sea slave trade according to the Istanbul port customs register, 1606-1607, ZA1/4beyde GA1/4neAY-YaAEYcAE+/-; A demographic profile of slaves in early Ottoman Aleppo, Charles L. Wilkins; Iasyry: non-orthodox slaves in pre-Petrine Russia, Hans-Heinrich Nolte. Part IV Perceptions of Slavery: Poles in the Caucasian Corps, 1830-1860: personal freedom, political independence, captivity and slavery as ideas and experience, Aleksandra Porada; The prisoner's tale: Russian captivity narratives and changing Muscovite perceptions of the Ottoman-Tatar Dar-al-Islam, Brian L. Davies; The conquest of Kazan' as a place of remembering the liberation of slaves in 16th- and 17th-century Russia, Christoph Witzenrath; Captivity, slavery and gender: Muscovite female captives in the Crimean Khanate and in the Ottoman empire, Aleksandr Lavrov. Part V Abolishing Bondage: A 'barbarous law'? Capture and liberation in the Russo-Habsburg-Ottoman War of 1787-1792, Will Smiley; Russian serfdom's demise and Russia's conquest of the Crimean Khanate and the northern Black Sea littoral: was there a link?, Peter B. Brown. Index.
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Annual Bibliographical Supplement;Ivan III;Galley Slaves;Young Men;Sultan Selim III;Black Sea Slave Trade;Vasilii II;Syn Boiarskii;Razriadnyi Prikaz;Muscovite Grand Prince;State Secretaries;Russkaia Pravda;Crimean Tatars;Crimean Khanate;Grand Prince;Northern Black Sea Littoral;Kuchuk Kainarji;Female Captives;Ivan IV;Military Captives;Peter III;Kapudan Pasha;Nikon Chronicle;Virginia Aksan;Tatar Raiders