Environmental and Animal Abuse Denial

Environmental and Animal Abuse Denial

Averting Our Gaze

Lykke Syse, Karen; Hydle, Katja Maria; De Giorgio-Schoorl, Jose; Spannring, Reingard; Bjorkdahl, Kristian; Gray, Joe; Grusovnik, Tomaz; Lykke Syse, Karen; Kopnina, Helen; Grusovnik, Tomaz

Lexington Books






15 a 20 dias


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Introduction: Introducing Denialism in Environmental and Animal Abuse

Tomaz Grusovnik, Reingard Spannring and Karen Lykke Syse

Chapter 1: From Denial to Moral Disengagement: How Integrating Fundamental Insights from Psychology Can Help Us Better Understand Ongoing Inaction in the Light of an Exacerbating Climate Crisis

Susanne Stoll-Kleemann

Chapter 2: Denial as a Sense of Entitlement: Assessing the Role of Culture

Arne Johan Vetlesen

Chapter 3: Skepticism and Animal Virtues: Denialism of Animal Morality

Tomaz Grusovnik

Chapter 4: Human Uniqueness, Animal Minds, and Anthropodenial

Adam See

Chapter 5: Suffering Animals: Creaturely Fellowship and its Denial

Craig Taylor

Chapter 6: Brave New Salmon: From Enlightened Denial to Enlivened Practices

Martin Lee Mueller and Katja Maria Hydle

Chapter 7: The Animal that Therefore was Removed from View: The Presentation of Meat in Norway, 1950-2020

Karen Lykke Syse and Kristian Bjorkdahl

Chapter 8: Political Economy of Denialism: Addressing the Case of Animal Agriculture

John Sorenson and Atsuko Matsuoka

Chapter 9: Celebrate the Anthropocene? Why "Techno-Eco-Optimism" is a Strategy of Ultimate Denial

Helen Kopnina, Joe Gray, Haydn Washington and John Piccolo

Chapter 10: The Horse in the Room: The Denial of Animal Subjectivity and Agency in Social Science Research on Human-Horse Relationships

Reingard Spannring and Jose De Giorgio-Schoorl

Chapter 11: Still in the Shadow of Man? Judicial Denialism and Nonhuman Animals

Opi Outhwaite
Este título pertence ao(s) assunto(s) indicados(s). Para ver outros títulos clique no assunto desejado.
animal abuse;animal abuse denial;animal rights;animal studies;anthropocene;carnism;climate change;Critical Animal Studies;cultural studies;denialism;environmental denial;environmental education;environmentalism;meat consumption;pollution;psychology of denial;social psychology;sociology