Educational Transitions and Social Justice

Educational Transitions and Social Justice

Understanding Upper Secondary School Choices in Urban Contexts

Gil Morales, Sara; Jacovkis, Judith; Curran, Marta; Castejon, Alba; Manzano, Marti; Montes, Alejandro; Sanchez-Rojo, Alberto; Tarabini, Aina; Prieto-Egido, Miriam; Rujas, Javier

Bristol University Press






15 a 20 dias

1. Theoretical and methodological approaches to educational choices and transitions ~ Aina Tarabini
Part I: The framing and enactment of upper secondary educational transitions
2. The political construction of upper secondary transitions: comparing problematisations and solutions in two urban contexts ~ Judith Jacovkis, Miriam Prieto, Javier Rujas
3. Upper secondary transitions and urban educational spaces: public representations of youth, choices and (im)mobilities ~ Aina Tarabini, Judith Jacovkis, Alejandro Montes
4. In the name of vocations: teachers' discursive legitimations of upper secondary educational choices ~ Aina Tarabini, Javier Rujas, Sara Gil
5. Does school shape upper secondary educational transitions? Exploring the relationship between students' trajectories and educational choices ~ Alba Castejon, Alejandro Montes, Marti Manzano
Part II: The experience of upper secondary educational transitions
6. Working-class fractions and practical rationalities in the election of upper secondary education ~ Alejandro Montes, Javier Rujas, Judith Jacovkis
7. Understanding migrant students' transitions to upper secondary education: devalued capitals and nonstandard timeframes ~ Marti Manzano, Aina Tarabini
8. Choosing against gender: making sense of girls' and boys' upper secondary vocational education choices ~ Marta Curran, Aina Tarabini
9. Reconstructing learner identity in upper secondary vocational education: from disaffection to recognition ~ Aina Tarabini, Judith Jacovkis, Marta Curran
10. Hermeneutical injustice in upper secondary educational transitions ~ Alberto Sanchez-Rojo, Miriam Prieto
11. Towards a comprehensive understanding of educational choices and transitions ~ Aina Tarabini
Aina Tarabini; Social Inequalities; Educational Policies; Schools; Identities