Digital Business and Electronic Commerce

Digital Business and Electronic Commerce

Strategy, Business Models and Technology

Wirtz, Bernd W.

Springer International Publishing AG






15 a 20 dias

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1. Foundations of Digital Business.- 2. Mobile Business.- 3. Social Media Business.- 4. Digital Government.- 5. Fundamentals of Internet Technology and Human-Machine Applications.- 6. Digital Payment Systems, Security, and Regulation.- 7. Internet of Things.- 8. Artificial Intelligence, Big Data and Cloud Computing.- 9. Big Data, Cloud Computing, and Blockchain Technology.- 10. Digital Automation and Robotics.- 11. Digital Platforms, Sharing Economy and Crowd Strategies.- 12. Digital Ecosystem, Disintermediation and Disruption.- 13. B2C Digital Business Models.- 14. Digital B2B Business Models.- 15. Digital Business Strategy.- 16. Digital Transformation and Digital Organization.- 17. Digital Marketing and Electronic Commerce.- 18. Digital Procurement.- 19. Digital Business Implementation.- 20. Google/Alphabet Case Study.- 21. The Digital Future: A Brief Outlook.

E-business;E-commerce;Digital business models;Artificial Intelligence;Big Data;Digital transformation;Digital business strategy;Internet of Things;Cloud Computing;Digital marketing;Sharing economy;Industry 4.0;Social media;Digital government