Developing Magical Consciousness

Developing Magical Consciousness

A Theoretical and Practical Guide for the Expansion of Perception

Greenwood, Susan

Taylor & Francis Ltd






15 a 20 dias


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Section I: A Bridge of Communication; 1. On the Trail of the Rainbow Serpent; 2. Towards a Place of Connection; 3. Moving out of the Hall of Mirrors: The Practice of Magic; 4. Liberating Magical Imagination; Section II: Lifting "Mind Forg'd Manacles"; 5. Healing the Sleep of Rationalism; 6. "Opposition is True Friendship": Integrating the Psyche; Section II: Working with Magical Consciousness; 7. "Re-Dreaming": A Language of Communication; 8. All Knowing is Personal: Participating with Spirit Worlds; 9. Working between Two Worlds: Interactions of Cultures and Environment
Psychedelic Trance;North West Central Queensland Aborigines;Common Language;Australian National University;Magical Consciousness;Sky Links;National Library;Vice Versa;Rainbow Serpent;Turkey Vultures;West Arnhem Land;Banyan Tree;National Art Gallery;Early Greek Natural Philosophy;Magical Analogical;Great Banyan Tree;Aboriginal Mental Health;Mystical Mentality;Archie Roach;Charcot;Jean Martin Charcot;Petrol Sniffing;Australian Magpie;Magical Worldview;Blake's Philosophy