

Volume 20

Phillips, Jonathan; Shagrir, Iris; Kedar, Benjamin Z.; Chrissis, Nikolaos G.

Taylor & Francis Ltd






15 a 20 dias


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1. Farewell Message from the Founding Editor, Benjamin Z. Kedar 2. "Itineraria Terrae Sanctae minora III: Some Early Twelfth-Century Guides to Frankish Jerusalem" 3. "'Esteemed brothers, comrades of mine...': Constructing the Piety and Pugnacity of the Military Orders through Battle Rhetoric" 4. "Jerusalem as the Travelling City of God: Henry of Albano and the Preaching of the Third Crusade" 5. "'Because of incest which one of the two of them committed': A Letter about Two Third Crusade Participants from the Archivo Catedralicio de Toledo" 6. "Interpreters in Franco-Muslim Negotiations" 7. "Conceptualizing the Crusade in Outremer: Uses and Purposes of the Word 'Crusade' in the Old French Continuation of William of Tyre" 8. "The Emergence of the Way of the Cross in Jerusalem during the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries" 9. "Pergamene due-trecentesche della Certosa di Calci rogate in Levante" 10. "A Vocation Receptive to Outside Influences: Doctors, Hospitals and Medicine in Lusignan and Venetian Cyprus: 1191-1570" 11. "The Crusade and its Fronts in French Historiography from the Interwar Period to 2020" 12. Bernard Hamilton Essay Prize: "A Paragon of Support? Ela of Salisbury, Martyrdom, and the Ideals of Sponsoring Crusade" 13. Review Article: Jaroslav Folda on The Restoration of the Nativity Church in Bethlehem, ed. Claudio Alessandri Reviews SSCLE Bulletin 41 (2021)
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