Counter-Reformation Sanctity in Global and Material Perspective

Counter-Reformation Sanctity in Global and Material Perspective

Noyes, Ruth Sargent

Taylor & Francis Ltd





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0. Introduction: Early Modern Counter-Reformation Sanctity in Global and Material Perspective, 1. Andrea Sacchi's Three Magdalenes: Female Sexuality and Sacrifice in the Global Early Modern Church, 2. Un mistico Armellino. Saints, furs, and slaves between the Lithuanian and Tuscan Grand Duchies, 3. Like Fire and Earth: Cremation and the Christian Cult of Relics in the Sixteenth Century, 4. Forming the local cult from the religious center: Osanna da Cattaro and Serafino Razzi, 5. Sancti Christi Martyris Justini in Puebla de los Angeles (Mexico) and the Cult of Catacomb Relics Between Rome and the Americas, 6. A Piercing Agony: Guercino's Saint Sebastian Succored of 1619, 7. The Multiple Cultural Identities Traversed in Anna Sztemberk's Paper Votives, 8. St. Bernard of Clairvaux and the Notion of Animate Images in Early Modern Spain, 9. Capuchin Asceticism and the Cult of the Catacombs in Early Modern Rome
Religion;Sanctity;Global Perspective;World Religions;Reformation;Counter-Reformation;Materiality;Globalization;hagiography;saints' cults