Constitutions of Value

Constitutions of Value

Law, Governance, and Political Ecology

Gordon, Geoff; Feichtner, Isabel

Taylor & Francis Ltd





15 a 20 dias

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1. Constitutions of Value: An Introduction to the Symposium Isabel Feichtner and Geoff Gordon 2. The Constitution of Non-Monetary Surplus Values Gunther Teubner 3. Against Value(s): Marx, Wertkritik and the Illusions of State, Politics and Law Klaus Kempter 4. Real (E)State: Valuing a Nation under Imperial Rentier Capitalism Christine Schwoebel-Patel 5. Paris is Burning: A Cautionary Tale About the Politics of Value Clair Quentin 6. Capitalism, the Constitutional Theory of the Firm, and Value Production: Investment and Labor Market Precarity Jamee K. Moudud 7. The Key to Value: The Debate over Commensurability in Neoclassical and Credit Approaches to Money Christine Desan 8. States, Markets, and Transnational Law: A Re-evaluation of the Legal 'Constitution' of Money Anna Chadwick 9. Financial Value, Anthropological Critique, and the Operations of the Law Fabian Muniesa 10. Critique of Valuation in the Calculation of Damages in ISDS: Between Law, Finance and Politics Toni Marzal 11. On the Value of Rights Florian Hoffmann 12. Value as Potentiality: Blockchain and the Age of Institutional Challenges Outi Korhonen and Juho Rantala 13. The Contemporary Values of Operadiction Regimes Dimitri Van Den Meerssche and Geoff Gordon 14. Legally Constituting the Value of Nature: the Green Economy and Stranded Assets Julia Dehm 15. The Market as a 'Rigged Game': Theories of Ecologically Unequal Exchange and Their Implications for Value, Price, and Measures of Real Wealth Oliver Schlaudt 16. Value in the Emotional Register Jessie Hohmann 17. Value Talk in Legal Academia John D. Haskell 18. A Vague Reflection on Value, or, the (Im)possibility of Radical Imagination Sofia Stolk
Technology;Inequality;Capitalism;International;Markets;Constitutional Theory;State;Green Economy;Transnational Law;BEPS Action;EU's White Paper;Human Development Index;BEPS;International Investment Law;Rentier Capitalism;Liberal Democratic Subjects;Katharina Pistor;Efficient Market Hypothesis;Vernacular Concepts;UN;Social Reproduction;Blockchain Technology;Liberal Script;International Corporate Tax;EU Policy Document;Fossil Fuel Assets;18th Century North American;Ecological Commodities;ISDS System;Knorr Cetina's Work;Smart Contracts;Corporate Tax Reform;Nation Branding;Nation Brand Index