China Hands and Old Cantons

China Hands and Old Cantons

Britons and the Middle Kingdom

Carroll, John M.

Rowman & Littlefield





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1 The Crying Abuses: Explanations

Restricted China

Stationary China

Despotic China

The Tartars and Their Empire

Not Entirely Unreasonable

Themselves to Blame


2 The Crying Abuses: Solutions

Visitors Weigh In

Intimidation or Restraint?

At Home

Improving Their Own Situation

Somewhere Else

3 Being There

Challenging the Jesuits

A Peculiar Monopoly

Interesting Evidence

Opinions Grounded upon Experience

The Terms Controversy

Setting the Record Straight

War, Hong Kong, and Beyond

4 Sizing Up China

An Immense and Unparalleled Population

A Horrid Practice

So Extraordinary a Custom

Footbinding and the War to Open China

5 The Opium Debates

Opium Mania

Opium in the Press

The Issues

James Innes

Setting the Record Straight, Again

Opium and War

Epilogue: China Freed

Assunto não disponível.
British colony;British imperial history;Canton;China trade;Chinese tea;Colonialism;Early modern China;Indian opium;Opium War