Child Maltreatment Assessment, Volume 2

Child Maltreatment Assessment, Volume 2

Sexual, Emotional, and Psychological Abuse

Esernio-Jenssen, Debra; Doshi, Ruchita; Alexander, Randell

STM Learning






15 a 20 dias

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Section I: Definitions
Section II: Informational Chapters
1. Sexual Abuse
2. Sexually Transmitted Infections
3. Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy
4. Neglect and Abandonment
5. Psychological Abuse
6. Torture
7. Psychopathology and the Role of the Child Psychiatrist
8. Treatment and Therapy
Section III: Test Questions
Section IV: Answer Key
Section V: Photographic Atlas
Este título pertence ao(s) assunto(s) indicados(s). Para ver outros títulos clique no assunto desejado.
child maltreatment; assessment; child abuse; forensic learning; sexual abuse; emotional abuse; psychological abuse; signs of abuse; physical abuse; identify child abuse; interpret child abuse; report child abuse; sexually transmitted infections; munchausen syndrome by proxy; neglect; abandonment; psychopathology; torture; child psychiatrist; treatment; therapy