Birthing Techno-Sapiens

Birthing Techno-Sapiens

Human-Technology Co-Evolution and the Future of Reproduction

Davis-Floyd, Robbie

Taylor & Francis Ltd






15 a 20 dias


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Introduction: Birthing Techno-Sapiens Part 1: From Biocultural Evolution To Human-Technology Co-Evolution 1. Birth and the Big Bad Wolf: Biocultural Evolution and Human Childbirth 2. Egg Freezing Activists: Extending Reproductive Futures to Cancer Patients, Single and Minority Women, and Transgender Men 3. The Speculative Turn In IVF: Egg Freezing, Reproductive Futures, and the Financialization Of Fertility 4. Sociology as Technology: A Toolkit for Studying In Vitro Gametogenesis 5. Reproduction, Sacrificial Life, and the Logics of Attrition in the Afterlife of Apartheid 6. Making Better Babies? Past and Future State Fair Contests Evaluating Geneticized Worth 7. Human Germline Genome Editing and Its Tech-Sumptions 8. Evaluating Ectogenesis via the Metaphysics of Pregnancy 9. Elective Cesarean Births in the US and the Global Cesarean Epidemic: Causes, Solutions, and Futuristic Implications 10. Cancerous Contraceptives and the Incubation of Monsters: Quechua Reproductive Etiology and Producing Necro-Techno-Sapiens Part 2: Imagining Techno-Holistic Reproductive Futures 11. Water as a Technology to Support Embodied Autonomous Birthing 12. The Birth of a New Human Being: The Utopian Project of the Late Soviet Waterbirth Movement and Its Inheritors 13. Safety, Co-Regulation, and Polyvagal Theory: The Autonomic Nervous System as the Missing Link in Childbirth Outcomes and Experiences 14. Family-Centered, Evidence-Based, Psycho-Socially Sensitive, and Culturally Respectful Perinatal Care: Still a Futuristic Dream! 15. Flexible Helpers: Re-Scribing Obstetric Technologies to Generate More Viable Futures for "Good" Pregnancies and Births 16. Coming Home: Re-Visioning Place of Birth in the 21st Century 17. Creating Life in Star Trek: Future Imagineering Conclusions: Birthing Techno-Sapiens in Disruptive Times
Techno-sapiens;Human techno-reproduction;Maternity services;Techno-scientists;Human-technology co-evolution;Direct Entry Midwives;Pre-implantation Genetic Diagnosis;Age Related Fertility Decline;Freestanding Birth Center;Northern Limpopo Province;Homebirth Midwives;IVF Cycle;National Academies;Germline Editing;Obstetric Violence;Continuous Electronic Fetal Monitoring;Egg Freezing;OC;Electronic Fetal Monitoring;AGs;NICU Admission;Obstetric Technologies;Synthetic Oxytocin;Big Bad Wolf;Midwifery Care;Cyborg Babies;Water Immersion;Female Fertility Preservation;IVF Practice;President's Malaria Initiative