Behavioral, Social, and Emotional Assessment of Children and Adolescents

Behavioral, Social, and Emotional Assessment of Children and Adolescents

Whitcomb, Sara

Taylor & Francis Ltd






15 a 20 dias


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Table of Contents

List of Tables

List of Figures



Part I Foundations and Methods of Assessment

Chapter 1. Foundations of Assessment

Theoretical Foundations of Social and Emotional Behavior Social Cognitive Theory: An Integrated Orientation

Components of Social Cognitive Theory

Triadic Reciprocality: Understanding the Determinants of Behavior

Observational Learning: A Multiprocess Analysis

The Importance of Context: Ecological Systems Theory

Finding Your Own Theoretical Foundation

Philosophical Foundations of Assessment

Nomothetic and Idiographic: Definitions and Historical Development

Nomothetic and Idiographic Approaches in Practice Empirical Approach to Assessment

Understanding and Clarifying Assessment Referrals

Assessment as a Problem-Solving Process

A Model for Assessment as a Problem-Solving Process

Phase I: Identification and Clarification

Phase II: Data Collection

Phase III: Analysis

Phase IV: Solution and Evaluation

Designing a Multimethod, Multisource, Multisetting Assessment

Response to Intervention (RtI): A Public Health Approach to Assessment and Intervention

Legal and Ethical Issues in Assessment

Basis for Legal Constraints on Assessment

Specific Assessment Practices Affected by Ethics and Law

Informed Consent

Validity of Assessment Procedures

Right to Privacy/Confidentiality

Some Concluding Comments on Legal and Ethical Issues

Criteria for Inclusion of Assessment Methods and Instruments


Review and Application Questions

Chapter 2. Social-emotional Assessment and Cultural Diversity

Test and Assessment Bias in Professional Practice

Test and Assessment Bias

Professional Ethics and Culturally Appropriate Assessment

Professional Practice

Acculturation and Identity Development

Factors That Influence Acculturation

Determining Acculturation and Cultural Orientation

Development of Racial/Cultural Identity

Stage 1: Conformity

Stage 2: Dissonance and Appreciating

Stage 3: Resistance and Immersion

Stage 4: Introspection

Stage 5: Integrative Awareness

Problems with Categories and Group Emphasis

Cultural Diversity in the United States: Description of Major Racial and Ethnic Groups

African Americans

Asian Americans

Hispanic and Latino Americans

American Indians and Alaskan Natives

Some General Characteristics of the Majority Culture

Assessment Methods and Cultural Diversity: Special Considerations

Behavioral Observation

Behavior Rating Scales


Learn About the Interviewees' Culture

Learn About the Interviewees' Language

Establish Rapport

Identify Stereotypes

Promote Clear Communication

Identify Family Needs

Identify Attitudes toward Health and Illness

Recognize the Extent of Acculturation

Accept the Interviewees' Perspectives

Sociometric Techniques

Self-Report Instruments

Projective-expressive Techniques

Recommendations for Culturally Responsive Assessment


Review and Application Questions

Chapter 3. Assessment and Classification

Why Classify?

Differential Diagnosis and Classification Error

Current Classification Systems

DSM System

Assumptions and Structure of DSM

Using the DSM System in Assessment

Improvements and Changes in DSM

Classification under Special Education Law

General Assessment Guidelines in the IDEIA

IDEIA Definition of Emotionally Disturbed

The "Emotionally Disturbed" versus "Socially Maladjusted" Issue

State Adaptations of the Federal Definition

New Directions

Behavioral Dimensions: An Alternative Approach to Classification

Behavioral Dimensions and the ASEBA System

Example of Behavioral Dimensions Approaches to Specific Classes of Behavior

Additional Comments on the Behavioral Dimensions Approach

Multiple-Gating Approaches to Assessment and Classification

Community- and Clinic-Based Multiple-Gating Procedure

SSBD: A School-Based Multiple-Gating Procedure

SARS: Classification of Behavioral Problems Using Existing School Records

Concluding Comments on Assessment and Classification


Review and Application Questions

Chapter 4. Direct Behavioral Observation

Behavioral Observation: Basic Principles and Concepts

Direct Behavioral Observation and Ecological Assessment

General Methods of Behavioral Observation

Naturalistic Observation

Analogue Observation


Observational Coding Procedures

Event Recording

Interval Recording

Whole-Interval or Partial-Interval Recording?

Time-Sample Recording

Duration and Latency Recording

Duration Recording

Latency Recording

Examples of Observational Coding Systems

School-Based Observation Systems

Direct Observation Form

Behavior Observation of Students in Schools

Behavior Coding System

Home-Based Observation Systems

Social Interaction Coding System

Family Interaction Code

Clinic-Based Observation Systems

The Coder's Impression Measure

Child's Game/Parent's Game

Teacher Behavior Code

Technology Advances in Behavioral Observation





Reliability and Validity Issues in Direct Behavioral Observation

Defining the Observation Domain

Observer Training and Reliability

Use of Social Comparison Data

Observer Reactivity

Situational Specificity

Inappropriate Recording Techniques

Biased Expectations and Outside Influence

Behavioral Observation and Functional Behavior Assessment

How Many Observations Are Needed?

Direct Behavioral Observation and Decision Making


Review and Application Questions


Chapter 5. Behavior Rating Scales

Characteristics of Behavior Rating Scales

Definitions and Foundations

Rating Scales versus Checklists

Advantages of Behavior Rating Scales

Problems Associated with Using Behavior Rating Scales

Measurement and Technical Issues

Review of Selected General Purpose Behavior Rating Scales and Systems

ASEBA: Child Behavior Checklist and Teacher's Report Form for Ages 6 to 18


Scoring System and Scale Structure

Development and Standardization

Psychometric Properties

Additional Comments

Behavior Assessment System for Children, Third Edition


Scoring System and Scale Structure

Development and Standardization

Psychometric Properties

Additional Comments

Conners' Rating Scales and Conners' Rating Scales-Revised, The Conners' 3, and the

Conners' Comprehensive Behavior Rating Scales

1997 Conners' Rating Scales-Revised

Description of the Conners' 3

Scoring System and Scale Structure

Development and Standardization

Psychometric Properties

The Conners' Comprehensive Behavior Rating Scales

Additional Comments

Best Practices in Using Behavior Rating Scales

Behavior Rating Scales and Decision Making


Review and Application Questions

Chapter 6. Interviewing Techniques

Role of Interviews in Assessing Children and Adolescents

Developmental Issues in Interviewing

Preschool-Age and Primary-Age Children

Elementary-Age Children


Factors That May Affect the Quality of the Interview

Interpersonal Context

Ethnocultural Context

Behavioral Context

The Truth Context: Dealing with Lying

Physical Context

Selecting an Appropriate Interview Method

Traditional Interviewing Techniques

Gathering Relevant Background Information from Parents and Teachers

Developing the Interview with Children and Adolescents

Areas for Observation

Areas for Questioning

Behavioral Interviewing

Implementing Behavioral Interviews with Parents and Teachers

Problem Identification Interview

Problem Analysis Interview

Implementing Behavioral Interviews with Children and Adolescents

Structured and Semistructured Interview Tools

Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia, School-Age Children

Semistructured Clinical Interview for Children and Adolescents

Concluding Comments on Formal Interview Schedules

Clinical Interviewing and Suicidal Ideation/Behavior

Facts Regarding Suicidal Behavior among Children And Adolescents

Recommendations for Clinical Interviewing

Thinking about Suicide

Suicide Plan

Means and Preparations for Suicide

Intended Place or Setting

Immediate Protective Action

Suicidal Safety Planning

Interviews and Decision Making


Review and Application Questions

Chapter 7. Sociometric Techniques

Sociometrics: Importance, History, and Empirical Base

Why Assess Social Status?

Historical Development of Sociometric Assessment

Validity of Sociometric Assessment

Dimensions of Social Status

Technical Adequacy of Sociometric Procedures

Predictive Validity of Sociometric Assessment

Overview of Sociometric Assessment Procedures

Peer Nomination Procedures

Peer Rating Procedures

Sociometric Ranking Procedures

Alternative Sociometric Procedures

Picture Sociometrics

Class Play

"Guess Who" Measures

Ethical Concerns in Using Sociometric Procedures

Sociometric Procedures and Decision Making


Review and Application Questions

Chapter 8. Self-Report Assessment

Foundations of Self-Report Assessment

Historical Foundations of Personality Testing

Psychometric Foundations of Objective Test Construction

Three Approaches to Developing Objective Self-Report Tests

Rational-Theoretical Approach

Factor Analytic Approach

Empirical Criterion Keying Approach

Response Bias and Error Variance

Reviews of Selected General Purpose Self-Report Tests

Adolescent Psychopathology Scale


Technical Characteristics

APS Short Form


Behavior Assessment System for Children, Third Edition: Child and Adolescent Self-Reports


Technical Characteristics


Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-Adolescent Version and Restructured Form


Technical Characteristics



Conners 3 Self-Report


Technical Characteristics


Conners 3 Comprehensive Behavior Ratings Scale Self-Report


Technical Characteristics


Youth Self-Report


Technical Characteristics


Self-Report Tests and Decision Making


Review and Application Questions

Chapter 9. Projective-expressive Assessment Techniques

Projective Assessment: An Introduction

Thematic Approaches

Thematic Apperception Test

Children's Apperception Test

Roberts Apperception Test for Children

Reliability and Validity

Concluding Comments on Thematic Approaches

Drawing Techniques

Draw-A-Person Technique

Administration, Scoring, and Interpretation

Reliability and Validity

Additional Comments

Kinetic Family Drawing Technique

Administration, Scoring, and Interpretation

Reliability and Validity

Kinetic School Drawing

Additional Comments

Bender-Gestalt Test as a Measure of Social-emotional Status

Administration, Scoring, and Interpretation

Reliability and Validity

Additional Comments

Concluding Comments on Drawing Techniques

Sentence Completion Tasks

Administration, Scoring, and Interpretation

Reliability and Validity

Hart Sentence Completion Test for Children

Washington University Sentence Completion Test

Concluding Comments on Sentence Completion Tasks

Best Practices


Review and Application Questions

Part II Assessment of Specific Problems, Competencies, and Populations

Chapter 10. Assessing Externalizing Problems

Externalizing Disorders: An Overview

Behavioral Dimensions Approach to Classifying Externalizing Disorders

Undersocialized Aggressive Conduct Disorder

Socialized Aggressive Conduct Disorder

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

DSM Approach to Classifying Externalizing Disorders

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Conduct Disorder

Oppositional Defiant Disorder

Intermittent Explosive Disorder

Subdimensions of Externalizing Problems: Classification Studies

Prevalence, Development, and Prognosis of Externalizing Disorders



Etiology and Development

Developmental Course and Prognosis

Methods of Assessing Externalizing Problems

Behavioral Observation

Dyadic Parent-child Interaction Coding System

Behavior Rating Scales

Narrow-Band Rating Scales for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorders

ADHD Rating Scale-5

Attention Deficit Disorders Evaluation Scales

Conners 3 ADHD Index (Conners 3AI)

Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function, Second Edition

Interviewing Techniques

Sociometric Techniques

Self-Report Instruments

Jesness Inventory-Revised

Linking Assessment to Intervention


Review and Application Questions

Chapter 11. Assessing Internalizing Problems

Internalizing Problems: An Overview

Behavioral Dimensions Classification

DSM Classification


Gender Issues in Prevalence

Symptoms of Major Internalizing Disorders: Depression, Anxiety, and Related Problems


Depression as a Symptom

Depression as a Syndrome

Depression as a Disorder

Causal Factors


Causal Factors

Related Internalizing Disorders

Social Withdrawal

Somatic Problems

Fears and Phobias

Other Problems

Implications of Internalizing Disorders

Positive and Negative Affectivity: A Model for Understanding Internalizing Problems

Internalizing Problems and Self-Concept

Methods of Assessing Internalizing Problems

Behavioral Observation

Functional Assessment and Internalizing Problems

Behavior Rating Scales


Sociometric Techniques

Narrow-Band Self-Report Instruments

Children's Depression Inventory and Children's Depression Inventory-2

Revised Children's Manifest Anxiety Scale and Revised Children's Manifest Anxiety Scale, Second Edition

Reynolds Child Depression Scale and Reynolds Child Depression Scale, Second Edition

Reynolds Adolescent Depression Scale, Second Edition

Multidimensional Anxiety Scale for Children 2nd Edition

State-Trait Anxiety Inventory for Children

Concluding Comments on Internalizing Symptoms Self-Report Measures

Self-Report Instruments for Assessing Multidimensional Self-Concept

Multidimensional Self-Concept Scale

Self-Description Questionnaire I

Self-Description Questionnaire II

Self-Perception Profile for Children

Self-Perception Profile for Adolescents

Linking Assessment to Intervention


Review and Application Questions

Chapter 12. Assessing Other Behavioral, Social, and Emotional Problems

Classification and Taxonomy

Behavioral Dimensions Classification

DSM Classification

Autism Spectrum Disorder


Autism Spectrum Disorder

Asperger's Disorder

Rett's Disorder

Childhood Disintegrative Disorder


Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule

Autism Diagnostic Interview

Childhood Autism Rating Scale, Second Edition

Gilliam Autism Rating Scale, Third Edition

Assessment of Basic Learning and Language Skills-Revised

Schizoid Disorders



TIC Disorders

Description of Tourette's Disorder/Tourette Syndrome


Schizophrenia Spectrum and Other Psychotic Disorders



Behavioral Observation

Behavior Rating Scales

Clinical Interviews

Sociometric Techniques

Self-Report Instruments

Eating Disorders


Anorexia Nervosa

Bulimia Nervosa

Binge Eating Disorder


Linking Assessment to Intervention


Review and Application Questions

Chapter 13. Assessing Social Skills and Social-Emotional Strengths

Social Competence: A Complex Construct

Adaptive Behavior

Social Skills

Peer Relations

Theoretical Model

Dimensions of Social Skills

Importance of Social (and Emotional) Skills

Methods of Assessing Social and Emotional Skills

Direct Behavioral Observation

The Student Interactions in Specific Settings Tool

Peer Social Behavior Code

Target/Peer Interaction Code

Comments on Direct Observation of Child Social Behavior

Behavior Rating Scales

Social Skills Improvement System-Parent and Teacher Forms

School Social Behavior Scales/Home and Community Social Behavior Scales

Social Emotional Assets and Resilience Scale-Teacher and Parent Forms

The Devereux Student Strengths Assessment (DESSA)

Interviewing Techniques

Sociometric Approaches

Assessment with Self-Reports

Social Skills Improvement System-Student Forms

Social Emotional Assets and Resilience Scale-Child and Adolescent Forms

Linking Assessment to Intervention


Reviews and Application Questions

Chapter 14. Assessing Social and Emotional Behavior of Young Children

Alternative Diagnostic Classification System

Methods for Assessing Young Children

Direct Behavioral Observation

Example: ESP Social Behavior Observations

Behavior Rating Scales

Ages and Stages Questionnaires:

Social-emotional, Second Edition

Social Emotional Assessment Measure

Devereux Early Childhood Assessments

Behavior Assessment System for Children, Third Edition

Early Childhood Rating Forms of the ASEBA System

Preschool and Kindergarten Behavior Scales, Second Edition

Social Skills Improvement System

Interviewing Techniques

Sociometric Approaches

Self-Report Tests

Pictorial Scale of Perceived Competence and Acceptance for Young Children

Berkeley Puppet Interview

Best Practices


Review and Application Questions

Chapter 15. Universal Screening in Schools (With Kayla Gordon)

Context for Universal Social-Emotional Screening

Social-Emotional Screening

School-Wide Screening Measures

Systematic Screening for Behavior Disorders, Second Edition

Behaviors Targeted

Technical Adequacy


Student Risk Screening Scale-Internalizing and Externalizing (SRSS-IE)

Behaviors Targeted

Technical Adequacy


Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ)

Behaviors Targeted

Technical Adequacy


Social, Academic, & Emotional Behavior Risk Screener (SAEBRS)

Behaviors Targeted

Technical Adequacy


Behavior Intervention Monitoring Assessment System (BIMAS)

Behaviors Targeted

Technical Adequacy


Behavioral Assessment System for Children 3rd Edition: Behavioral and Emotional Screening

System (BASC 3: BESS

Behaviors Targeted

Technical Adequacy


BASC 3 Flex Monitor

Social Skills Improvement System-Performance Screening Guide (SSIS-PSG)

Behaviors Targeted

Technical Adequacy


Additional Promising Tool

Strengths and Importance of School-Wide Screening

Implementation Challenges Associated with School-Wide Screening


Review Questions


Este título pertence ao(s) assunto(s) indicados(s). Para ver outros títulos clique no assunto desejado.
Merrell;Sara A. Whitcomb;Kayla Gordon;Experimental Observational Systems;Devereux Early Childhood Assessment;Direct Behavior Ratings;Social Emotional Assessment;ASEBA System;Children's Social Emotional Behavior;CBRS;Sociometric Assessment;Projective Expressive Techniques;Projective Expressive Assessment;ADHD Index;Antisocial Behavior;Behavior Rating Scales;Direct Behavioral Observation;Clinical Interviewing;Behavioral Dimensions Approach;Behavioral Interviews;Objective Self-report Tests;ASEBA;Sentence Completion Tasks;Autism Spectrum Disorder;Externalizing Disorders;School Wide Screening;Sociometric Assessment Procedures;Time Sample Recording