Autism Spectrum Disorder in the Criminal Justice System

Autism Spectrum Disorder in the Criminal Justice System

A Guide to Understanding Suspects, Defendants and Offenders with Autism

Allely, Clare S.

Taylor & Francis Ltd






15 a 20 dias


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Chapter 1: What is Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)?

Chapter 2: ASD and Offending Behaviour: Why It Is Important to Recognise How ASD Symptomology Can Provide the Context of Vulnerability for Engaging in Offending and Important Considerations When Interviewed by Police and Other Criminal Justice Professionals

Chapter 3: Risk Assessment: ASD and Issues with Current Standardised Risk Assessment

Chapter 4: Prevalence of ASD in Forensic Settings

Chapter 5: Psychiatric Co-morbidity in ASD

Chapter 6: ASD in the Courtroom: Why It Is Important to Recognise This Disorder in Defendants

Chapter 7: ASD and Arson

Chapter 8: ASD and Sexual Offences (Offline and Online)

Chapter 9: ASD and Cybercrime

Chapter 10: ASD and Violent Offending

Chapter 11: ASD and Radicalisation and Extremism

Chapter 12: ASD and Extreme Violence

Chapter 13: ASD and Stalking

Chapter 14: ASD in the Prison Environment

Chapter 15: Conclusions and Recommendations

Recommended Further Reading
ASD;ASD Trait;APA;PDD;ASD Symptomology;Young Man;Autistic Traits;Psychiatric Co-morbidities;Counterfeit Deviance;ASD Diagnosis;Impaired Ability;Offending Behaviour;ASD Group;WAIS;Impaired Social Communication;Attention Deficit Disorder;Impaired Theory;Computer Mediated Communication;ASD Adult;ASD Characteristic;Co-occurring Psychiatric Disorders;ASD Exhibit;Autism Quotient;Stalking Behaviours;KSP Scale