Art, Architecture, and the Moving Viewer, c. 300-1500 CE

Art, Architecture, and the Moving Viewer, c. 300-1500 CE

Unfolding Narratives

Elliott, Gillian B.; Heath, Anne







15 a 20 dias


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List of Figures

Notes on Contributors

Unfolding Narratives: An Introduction

?Gillian B. Elliott and Anne Heath

PART 1: Moving Bodies in Space and Narrative

1 Seeing and Not Seeing the Rose Window of Lausanne Cathedral

?Elizabeth Carson Pastan and Brigitte Kurmann-Schwarz

2 Engaging the Beholder through Image and Inscription in the 13th-Century Stained-Glass Window of St. Margaret of Antioch at Ardagger Abbey

?Ashley J. Laverock

3 Circulating among Friends: Mary Magdalene, Martha, and Lazarus and the Pilgrimage to the Holy Tear at the Abbey of La Trinite, Vendome

?Anne Heath

PART 2: Topography and Politicizing Space

4 Written in Stone: Recovering the Magical Role of the locus sanctus in the Medieval Life of San Millan de la Cogolla

?Kelly Thor

5 Reading Architecture in Landscape: Visitor Reflections at a Mirror Wall (Sigiriya, Sri Lanka)

?Divya Kumar-Dumas

6 A Holy Hole, Anglo-Saxon Bones, and a Jerusalem Chapel: Redefining Sacred Geography at Winchester Cathedral in the 12th Century

?Laura J. Whatley

7 Theatrum Paulli or Balneum Paulli: Interpreting the Markets of Trajan in the Middle Ages and Renaissance

?Philip Jacks

PART 3: Spatial Alteration and Reception

8 Transformation at the Garden Gate: The Romanesque Parapets of San Pietro al Monte in Civate

?Gillian B. Elliott

9 Between Universal and Local Practices: The Unfolding Narrative of the Resurrection of the Christ and Its Public in the Wide-Open Galilee at the Priory of St. Fortunatus, Charlieu

?Elodie Leschot

10 From Mosque-Cathedral to Gothic Cathedral: Rewriting and Rebuilding in Medieval Toledo

?Nicole Corrigan

11 Change Unchanging: Mediating the Sacred Spaces of Ise Grand Shrines over Time

?Christopher A. Born

PART 4: Assembly and Space

12 On the Road to the Great Hof: Moving through Space and Time at Old Uppsala

?Meghan Mattsson McGinnis

13 Abbot Gauzlin's Tower Porch in Fleury (c.1015-30): A Social Narrative in Favor of the Capetians

?Barbara Franze

14 The South Portal at the Cathedral of Le Mans as a Processional Objective

?Susan Leibacher Ward

15 Storming the Palace: Crowd Incursions into Aristocratic Spaces in Medieval Revolts

?Michael Sizer


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cathedral; choir screen; designed landscape; geography; intervisuality; medieval; middle ages; peripetatic viewing; pilgrimage; processions; relics; ritual; space; spatial turn; stained glass; topography