Animal-Assisted School Counseling

Animal-Assisted School Counseling

Kjellstrand Hartwig, Elizabeth

Taylor & Francis Ltd





15 a 20 dias

Descrição não disponível.
1.An Introduction to Animal-Assisted School Counseling 2.Getting School and District Approval for an AASC Program 3.Choosing an AASC Partner 4.AASC Competencies 5.Training in AASC 6.Preparing the School for an Animal Partner 7.Assessment in AASC 8.Theoretical Applications of AASC 9.AASC Classroom and Schoolwide Interventions 10.AASC Individual and Small Group Interventions 11.Student-Affirming AASC 12.Future Directions in AASC
animal assisted counseling;therapy animals;therapy dog;school counseling;ASCA