Among Cultures

Among Cultures

The Challenge of Communication

Hall, Bradford 'J'; Covarrubias, Patricia O.; Kirschbaum, Kristin A.

Taylor & Francis Ltd






15 a 20 dias


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1. What is Meant by Intercultural Communication? 2. What is the Relationship between Communication and Culture? 3. How Can We Learn About Our Own and Others' Cultures? 4. How is Culture Related to Our Identities? 5. Where Can We Look to Explain Verbal Misunderstandings? 6. Where Can We Look to Explain Nonverbal Misunderstandings? 7. Why Do So Many People Get Treated Poorly? 8. How Can We Manage Conflict in Intercultural Settings? 9. How Can We Succeed in Our Intercultural Transitions? 10. Can Judgments of Right and Wrong Be Made When Dealing with Other Cultures? 11. What Diversity Exists in the Study of Intercultural Communication? 12. How Do Cultural Differences Impact Our Family Life? 13. What Role Does Culture Have in Healthcare Settings? 14. How Do I Lead Successfully in Intercultural Organizations and Settings? 15. How is Our Understanding of the Environment Influenced by Our Culture? 16. How Do Cultural Differences Impact Our Education Experience and Outcomes? 17. How Does Globalization Impact Intercultural Relationships?
communication studies;communication theory;intercultural communication;human interaction;human interactions;cultural systems;immigration;intersectionality;privilege;globalization;popular culture;education;family communication;culture;health communication;United States;environmental communication;Held;multicultural leadership;Young Man;Western Apache;Intercultural Settings;Vice Versa;Nonverbal Communication;Face To Face;Better Life;Intercultural Interactions;Kayan Mentarang National Park;Hero's Journey;Intercultural Marriage;Hometown;Follow;Intercultural Conflict;Wo;Verbal Communication;Sociocultural Premises;Violated;Ill;Strong;Intercultural Families;Studying Intercultural Communication