American Founders

American Founders

How People of African Descent Established Freedom in the New World

Proenza-Coles, Christina

NewSouth, Incorporated






15 a 20 dias

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revolution; revolutionary; history; Haiti; Revolutionary War; colonial; civil war; civil rights; slavery; Atlantic; independence; freedom; Republican; citizenship; abolition; new world; sugar; American; America; Americas; Founders; African; Afro; Race; Slaves; Servants; Maroons; Rebel; Rebellion; Pirates; Conquistadores; Settlers; Nationals; Caribbean; Creole; Latin; Revolutionaries; Haitian; Saint Domingue; American Revolution; Haitian Revolution; French Revolution; Spanish American War; Simon Bolivar; Alexandre Petion; New Spain; Black; Black Atlantic; Anglo; British; White; White supremacy; Democracy; Democratic; Republic; Republicanism; Colonialism; Civil; War; Union; Fighter; Liberty; Equality; Egalitarian; Emancipation; Universal; Columbus; Jefferson; Washington; Equiano; Tubman; Somerset; Rustin; Langston; Loyalists; Patriots; Petion; Maceo; DuBois; Latino; Murray; Liberation; Hemmings; Douglass; Remond; Armistead; Mulatto; Mixed race; Hypodescent; Ancestry; Heritage; Patrimony; Enslaved; Enslavement; Subject; Citizen; Solider; Militia; Antislavery; Liberia; Cabildo; Coartacion; Sierra Leone; Seven Years War; War of 1812; Independence Wars; Revolutionary emancipation; Garifuna; Tacky; Oge; Bussa; Stono; St. John; St. Augustine; Birchtown; Fort Mose; Nation building; Human rights; Civic; Justice; Bacon’s Rebellion; La Escalera; Garvey; Jamaica; Palmares; Indentured servants; Code Noir; Siete Partidas; Underground railroad; Sailor; Seaman; Navy; Plantation; Resistance; Fugitive; Freedom fighter; Runaway; Miscegenation; Mulato; Moreno; Pardo; Prieto; Negro; Biracial; Enlightenment