Algo Le Paso a Mi Papa

Algo Le Paso a Mi Papa

Una Historia Sobre Inmigracion y la Separacion Familiar

Hazzard, Ann; Felix, Gloria; Aponte Rivera, Vivianne

American Psychological Association






15 a 20 dias

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immigration; detention; deportation; immigration reform; families belong together; family separation; refugees; undocumented immigrants; migrants; social justice; fears; anxiety; worries; race; racism; picture book; children's book; kid's book; mental health; psychology; emotions; feelings; parent resource; child development; emotional development; APA; american psychological association; justice; injustice; human rights; rights; civil rights; talking about race; talking about race with kids; civil liberties; american civil liberties union; Magination Press; community engagement; racial injustice; Something Happened in Our Town: A Child's Story About Racial Injustice; self-help; talking about immigration with kids; behavior; Something Happened in Our Park: Standing Together After Gun Violence; stress; parenting advice; racial justice; ACLU; family; diversity