Accounting for the Commandments in Medieval Judaism

Accounting for the Commandments in Medieval Judaism

Studies in Law, Philosophy, Pietism, and Kabbalah

Herman, Marc; Brown, Jeremy P.







15 a 20 dias


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1 The Commandments as a Discursive Nexus of Medieval Judaism

?Marc Herman and Jeremy P. Brown

Case Studies in Individual Commandments

2 De? Mah?soro as the Key to Jewish Almsgiving: A Maimonidean Interpretive Innovation and Its Legal Afterlife to the Fifteenth Century

?Alyssa M. Gray

3 The Taqqanah of the Moredet in the Middle Ages

?Judith R. Baskin

4 An Early Kabbalistic Explanation of Temple Sacrifice: Text and Study

?Jonathan Dauber

The Ramifications of Maimonides

5 Early Evaluation of Maimonides's Enumeration of the Commandments against the Background of the Eastern Maimonidean Controversy

?Marc Herman

6 Maimonides's Long Journey from Greek to Jewish Ethics

?Albert Dov Friedberg

7 The Reasons for the Commandments in Isaac Ibn Lat?if's The Gate of Heaven (1238)

?Guadalupe Gonzalez Dieguez

Accounting for the Decalogue

8 The Ten Commandments Are Implanted in Human Minds: Abraham Ibn Ezra's Rational Approach to the Decalogue

?Mariano Gomez Aranda

9 Decoding the Decalogue: Theosophical Re-engraving of the Ten Commandments in Thirteenth-Century Kabbalah

?Avishai Bar-Asher

Discourses of ?a?ame ha-mi?vot: Tosafism, Rhineland Pietism, Egyptian Pietism, Kabbalah, Sabbatianism

10 T?a?ame ha-mis?vot in Medieval Ashkenaz

?Ephraim Kanarfogel

11 Pietism in the Law and the Law of Pietism: From Moses to Abraham Maimonides

?Elisha Russ-Fishbane

12 A Castilian Debate about the Aims and Limits of Theurgic Practice: Rationalizing Incest Taboos in the Zohar, Moses de Leon, and Joseph of Hamadan

?Leore Sachs-Shmueli

13 Ascesis, Hypernomianism, and the Excess of Lack: Semiotic Transfiguration of the Somatic

?Elliot R. Wolfson

Select Bibliography

Este título pertence ao(s) assunto(s) indicados(s). Para ver outros títulos clique no assunto desejado.
Jewish history; Jewish law; Jewish legal thought; Jewish mysticism; Maimonides; Medieval Jewish philosophy; Rabbinic Judaism; Ten Commandments; biblical exegesis; esotericism; hermeneutics