Metropolitan History of the Dutch Empire

Metropolitan History of the Dutch Empire

Popular Imperialism in The Netherlands, 1850-1940

Kuipers, Matthijs

Amsterdam University Press






15 a 20 dias

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List of Abbreviations
On Names and Terminology

Introduction: The Still Waters of Empire Run Deep
Dutch Indifference
The Metropole in the Colonial World
Conquering the Metropolitan Mind
The Politics of History
Case Studies from a Fragmented Empire

1 Food and Indifference: A Cultural History of the Rijsttafel in the Netherlands
Dichotomies of a Colonial Dish
The Metropolitan Rijsttafel
Who's Cooking?
The Politics of Colonial Food
The Limits of Permeation (Conclusion)

2 Indonesians and Cultural Citizenship: The Metropolitan Microcosm of Empire
Dissent and Cultural Citizenship
Wim Tehupeiory: Naturalization and Social Mobility
Tjipto Mangoenkoesoemo: Political Dissent in the Metropole
Jodjana: The Arts and the Idea of Association
Imperial Citizenship and Double Consciousness (Conclusion)

3 Schools and Propaganda: History Books and Schools as Sites of Imperial Campaigns
Schools, Teachers and Pupils
History Lessons
'Classroom Collections'
Maps on the Wall (Conclusion)

4 Scouting and the Racialized Other: Imperial Tropes in the Dutch Scouting Movement
The Advent of Dutch Scouting
An Empire without Boys
Imperial Imagery in Dutch Scouting
The 1937 Jamboree
Scouting and Dutch Imperialism (Conclusion)

5 Missionary Organizations and the Metropolitan Public: The 'Inner Mission' and the Invention of Mission Festivals
Internal Colonialism
Mission Festivals
The Choice of a Missionary Career
Gendered Role Models
Finding Funds (Conclusion)

Conclusion: A Fragmented Empire

Archives and Libraries
Published Primary Sources
Published Secondary Sources


List of Figures and Tables
Figure 1 A modern-day Javanese tumpeng
Figure 2 Mrs. Catenius-van der Meijden
Figure 3 A rijsttafel in a colonial domestic setting
Figure 4 Drawing of Oost en West's coat of arms
Figure 5 Boeatan's tearoom
Figure 6 Portrait of the Indiers Comite
Figure 7 Jodjana performing in Germany
Figure 8 Poster announcing the 1937 World Scout Jamboree in Vogelenzang, Netherlands

Table 1 Annual number of classroom collections sent out by the Koloniaal Museum and the reported number requested by schools
Table 2 Number of annual visitors to the Koloniaal Museum
Table 3 Annual balance of the Nederlandsch Zendelinggenootschap in the 1880s
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Imperialism, Colonialism, Popular Culture