History of Military Morals

History of Military Morals

Killing the Innocent

Smith, Brian







15 a 20 dias


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List of Figures



?2?Theory of Moral Development


?4?Overview of Chapters

PART 1: Killing the Innocent: Three Discursive Traditions from the Sixteenth to Eighteenth Centuries

1 The Origins of Double Effect: The Scholastic Tradition

?1?Recovering the Primitive Christian Tradition

?2?Before Double Effect

?3?The Rise of Double Effect

?4?Killing the Innocent

?5?Killing the Innocent after Aquinas

?6?Repurposing Double Effect in the Sixteenth Century

?7?Sixteenth- and Seventeenth-Century Scholastics on Siege Warfare

?8?English and Scottish Protestants


2 Martialists: Soldiers and Tacticians


?2?Early Martialists

?3?Seventeenth-Century Martialists

?4?Shifts in the Martialist Tradition


3 Humanists and Republicans







?7?Jeremy Taylor

?8?George Dawson

?9?Christian Wolff



PART 2: The Nineteenth Century

4 Killing Noncombatants in the Nineteenth Century


?2?Counting Casualties


?4?Sovereignty and Self-Preservation


?6?The Link between Philosophical Utilitarianism and Military Necessity


5 Deliberately Targeting Noncombatants


?2?Enduring the Hardships of War: Laying Waste

?3?Laying Waste and the Laws of War

?4?Starvation and Blockades


?6?Siege and the Laws of War

?7?Reprisal, Retaliation, Retorsion

?8?Change in Norms

?9?The Spatial Dimension of Noncombatant Death

?10?Noncombatant Death in the Early Twentieth Century

?11?Military Manuals


PART 3: The Twentieth Century: Aerial Bombing and a Shift in Norms

6 New Possibilities and Problems: Aeronauts, Inventors, and Future-War Fiction on Aerial Bombing

?1?Early Experiments

?2?Deterrence, Annihilation, or Nonfactor?

?3?Future-War Fiction


7 Interwar Approaches to Bombing: Two Discursive Traditions


?2?Interwar Period Debates on Aerial Bombing

?3?International Liberals: Regulation and Disarmament

?4?Bombing Realists

?5?Strategic versus Terror Bombing


8 The Return to Intention: Post World War I


?2?German Guilt

?3?The Laws of Humanity and Intentional Harm

?4?The Return of the Scholastics

?5?The Rediscovery of Vitoria and Suarez

?6?Catholics against Bombing


9 Postscript: Intention in the Twenty-First Century


?2?Intention and Folk Psychology

?3?Are Intentions Relevant for Twenty-First Century War?

Bibliography of Primary Sources 445

?Prior to the Sixteenth Century

?The Sixteenth Century

?The Seventeenth Century

?The Eighteenth Century

?The Nineteenth Century

aerial bombing; civilian casualties; double effect; humanism; just war theory; military ethics; noncombatant immunity; reprisals; siege warfare